4 Tell-Tale Signs You Need Hot Water Replacement

Although age is a big factor, it's not the sole factor you should consider when replacing your water heater. Other factors can also indicate that the system is on its last legs and requires an immediate replacement.

Check out these four tell-tale signs that indicate you may need a new water heater.

1. Too many repairs

As long as it is installed and maintained correctly, your hot water system should work reliably. If the system breaks down regularly and inexplicably despite making timely repairs, it may be best to replace it.

Otherwise, you'll be stuck doing frequent repairs, which will increase the life-cycle costs of your water heating.

2. Inadequate hot water

A water heater that doesn't supply enough hot water for your daily usage can be a continuous source of annoyance and disappointment. The problem may occur due to various reasons including the following:

  • System leaks
  • Low water pressure
  • Clogged pipes
  • Excessive hot water demand  

If you continuously experience an acute shortage of hot water because you're outgrowing your current system, you'll need to replace it with a bigger unit that is sized to match your current hot water demand.

3. A leaking tank

While it's not uncommon for hot water tanks to leak where there are valves and pipe connections, the presence of leaks within the tank itself may indicate it's time for a new hot water system.

The dissolved minerals in your water can gradually cause corrosion of the tank material, creating holes that allow hot water to escape. Since corrosion damage is irreversible, a tank that leaks due to corrosion will warrant a complete hot water replacement.

4. Abnormally high heating bills

Water heating technologies are constantly advancing to ensure you can heat your water in the most energy-efficient way possible. Unfortunately, most water heaters tend to lose their efficiency with age. As a result, your water heating may cost less to run initially and more in subsequent years. 

If you notice that your water heating bills are rising abnormally, it may be time to get a hot water replacement.

Replacing your hot water system can be costly, so it pays to think through your requirements before getting started on the project. A hot water plumbing specialist can guide you through your options and recommend the best one for your needs and budget. Call a local plumber if you think you need a hot water replacement
